Frequently Asked Questions
What if I don’t have insurance and can’t pay out-of-pocket for dental services?
Minnehaha Falls Family Dental Clinic accepts major credit cards. We can also assist you in setting up an interest-free account with Care Credit if you qualify.
Please call our office with any questions you may have regarding payment prior to your first appointment.
Are there any dental procedures that might be paid for by my Medical Insurance?
Yes. Some–but not all. Medical insurance providers will pay for certain procedures, for example, root canals and wisdom teeth extractions.
What should I ask my Medical Insurance provider when I call to find out which dental services are covered?
Get the name of the person you are speaking with, record the date, and document what they tell you.
Are surgical extractions covered for wisdom teeth? (or, are root canals covered? Some Blue Cross/Blue Shield Insurance does pay for them.) If the answer to either of these questions is “Yes”,” go on. If not, stop.
If the answer was “yes,” ask if you need a referral from your medical doctor.
Find out if you can choose any dentist to perform the procedure.
Ask what percent of the total cost of the procedure is paid by insurance; ask if there is a deductible.
Ask if IV sedation is covered.
Ask if the x-ray is covered (panoramic film).
Are there any other dental procedures that might be covered by Medical Insurance?
Yes. Treatment for Temporal Mandibular (Disorder) Joint (TMJ) may be covered by Medical Insurance. Also, if you have a blunt force trauma, e.g., if you fall or someone hits you, and you break a tooth/teeth, you may have accidental dental coverage, which means Medical Insurance may cover the treatment, provided you meet the guidelines and time restrictions.
Who can I call locally to get help with quitting smoking?
Smiley’s Family Medicine Clinic, located at the corner of E. 28th Street and Hiawatha (2020 E. 28th Street in Minneapolis) offers face-to-face counseling, Nicotine Replacement (individuals may qualify for free nicotine replacement products), and Individualized Plans.